Results Gained
The company provides continuing education for
optometrists in tropical destinations.
- Update the visuals to better represent the brand and
vacation aspects of the education programs. - Establish a better registration form for the customer to
sign up for the trip. - Create a better user experience in displaying the
trip/event pages with easy access to the itinerary and
trip information. - Create a site that takes advantage of responsive design so it adapts to visitors on the mobile device.
- The new site takes advantage of responsive design down
to 320px wide that also features a mobile navigation. - Large beautiful imagery to represent fun in the sun with
messaging that indicates "memories of a lifetime". - Easy homepage navigation icons that provide information
on Hotel, Speakers, Activities and Airline information. - Navigation is easily accessible on top and subpages
elegantly represent trips by year and location. - An easy tabbed approach lets visitors see information
independently so no need for scrolling. - The new form is less intimidating than the old form using
a 4 stepped approach rather than the “long form” style.
The design was far outdated in design and function.

Ready to start your own project and see results?
Sites starting at $497 and up.