Facebook Marketing – An Educational Series – Video #1

Hello Everyone! Vicki and Harry here from Nieto Creative. We’re on our way to pick up our son Sean from Band Camp. We’ve got a long ride ahead of us.
We are starting a really cool educational series on Facebook Marketing. We are going to make you the Facebook expert in your business.
Each week we are going to deliver Facebook tips and tricks through videos and blog posts. They’re going to be short, actionable techniques….not general theory here.
So let’s get started! One of the first and most important thing you need to do is review your business profile information. Make sure it is completely filled out. That your username is your business name and that your About page is optimized for Google search. What does that mean? You need to make sure it is keyword optimized. That means thinking like your customer. What words would they search for when looking for your products or services? That is what you need to put in there. Take a look at our Nieto Creative Facebook Page About section to get an idea.
Next week we will talk about your services page. How to create one if you don’t have one and how to optimize it if you do.
Let us know what you think by commenting and liking this video. And remember….
Be Found, Be Professional Be Recommended!