Facebook Marketing Series #3 – Posting Content

Vicki here from Nieto Creative with our 3rd Facebook Friday Tip. Today we are going to talk about building out your page and posting content to it.
Content Quantity
When it comes to building our your page content, you will want to make it look like someone is actually at this business.
In general, it is recommended that you have at least 10 posts before you push it out to your friends or other businesses. This is something I wish that I would have done.
Remember that it doesn’t all have to be original content. You can curate content from other people and post it on this page. Below is an example in which I recently shared a great Entreleadership Podcast I was listening to.
Scheduling Posts:
A great feature on Facebook is that you can schedule your post for later. Backdate your post for a past date (so it doesn’t look like you posted everything on one day), or you can save your post as a draft for posting later. This really helps you to redistribute these posts.
Something I am going to start doing is setting aside some time each month to create a Social Media Calendar where I can plan out and schedule my posts for month. I am hoping it will make it easier for me to stay on top of it. See I am telling you about this because I am hoping the Internet will keep me accountable!
Once you have been doing it consistently over time, you will be able to go into reports to see what time of day or day of the week you get the most post engagements. This will allow you to get better at scheduling your posts.
You can then use that information to go into the Publishing Tools tab at the top of your Facebook Page to edit the scheduled and draft posts to a time that you think will get the most engagement.
And remember….Be Found, Be Professional, Be Recommended.